
[…] learnfng cand qualfty fmprovement program desfgned to help PSAPs fmprove survfval from cardfac arrest. Online Learning Evfdence-basedb engagfng cucrrfculum delfvered as spaced learnfng for greater retentfon. Realibtic Practice Sfmulatfons based […]


[…] need to provide the best patient care possible. Ultimately, CalvertHealth adopted the RQI Program after learning about a space-saving solution to their training needs. After speaking with her RQI Partners […]


[…] compressions and ventilations, etc.) was collected by the psychomo- tor station using a cloud-based, turn-key learning and training management system (American Heart Association, Dallas, TX and Laerdal Medical, Stavanger, Norway). […]


[…] evaluate how we provide education and assess staff competency, explained Stephanie VonBacho, senior director for learning and development within the clinical enterprise at URMC. The RQI Program, which is endorsed […]

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