RQI International
RQI Partners is focused on delivering innovative resuscitation training solution that support our vision to eliminate preventable cardiac arrest deaths. We work with partners around the world to achieve this vision. Our digital resuscitation education and training programs are now available in over 10 languages, 30 countries, and 1,000 active sites around the world.

Digital Resuscitation Training Programs
Our digital programs, deeply rooted in the latest science, lead healthcare organizations on an immediate journey to high-quality and verified CPR competence to maximize lifesaving outcomes. Our digital portfolio of programs provides safe and efficient resuscitation education, ensuring continuity of education and quality improvement for high-quality CPR.

RQI® – Resuscitation Quality Improvement®
The Resuscitation Quality Improvement® (RQI®) programs allow healthcare providers to achieve and maintain their resuscitation competence and credentials in a self-directed manner at the point of care. It’s low-dose, high-frequency learning model is designed to prevent skills decay and positively impact patient outcomes.
Conducting effective resuscitation training can be a challenge. Time, resources, cost, and quality are all important factors. The HeartCode® programs deliver high-quality resuscitation training through a more flexible delivery method. By combining self-paced eLearning with hands-on skills training, learners and administrators gain more control of their time, schedule, and resources.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP®)
The Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP®) from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) equips healthcare providers and teams with an evidence-based, effective approach for the care of newborns at birth. To meet the needs of today’s healthcare professionals, the AAP offers different delivery formats with the NRP 8th Edition: RQI® for NRP®, NRP Blended Learning with Instructor-led skills, and e-NRP to build a foundation of knowledge.
International Customer Success with RQI Programs
Nova Scotia Health — Canada
Nova Scotia Health, the largest provider of health services in Nova Scotia, has transformed their delivery of CPR training province-wide by implementing RQI as their standard for basic and advanced life support training.
Dokkyo Medical University Hospital – Japan
Dokkyo Medical University Hospital plays a central role in local medical care and relies on the RQI program to create a consistent learning environment for a large number of healthcare professionals.
Eastern Regional Health Authority — Canada
Eastern Health, Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest integrated health authority, has yielded organization-high compliance rates by utilizing the digital CPR training of the RQI program.
Big Results
Low-dose, high-frequency training is the foundation of the Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) programs that measure and verify competence, to help healthcare providers retain life-saving skills.
The results speak for themselves:
- After one RQI training session, overall compression scores increased by 81% and ventilation scores with bag-mask device increased from 19% to 70%.1
- Providers not meeting target compression depth increased from 51.1% in Q1 to 78.8% in Q2 and then 84% in Q4 for percentage of compressions with correct depth.2
- In the RQI model, providers have increased their CPR skills confidence with an improved performance of compressions and ventilation skills and a decrease in the number of attempts to achieve high-quality CPR.3
- In addition to improved performance scores, a significant association was found between the number of RQI sessions and adherence to compression rate guidelines during real pediatric events.4
- Association of RQI and enhanced clinical CPR quality has been found with an improved chest compression fraction during in-hospital cardiac arrest events from pre-RQI of 83% to post-RQI of 93%.5
Contact us for more information about the program.