RQI Partners Resources
RQI Partners provides our resuscitation learning community with support that goes beyond resuscitation training programs. Our library of resources supports the research behind low-dose, high-frequency education. Our community of learners can find modern, practical resources available when and how they need them.

Simulation Stations
Simulation stations provide real-time audio and visual feedback for learners to complete hands-on skills training.

Learning RQI
The RQI evidence library provides access to clinical research. Resources underscore the evidence behind the RQI approach and support continued learning.

RQI 1Stop
The RQI 1Stop learning platform makes it easy to access the online learning modules for RQI Programs.

AHA Knowledge Booster
The American Heart Association® Knowledge Booster app keeps critical CPR skills fresh. Users engage in quizzes based on selected scenarios and skills.

Professional Education Hub™
Professional Education Hub, provided by the American Heart Association, is a digital learning and continuing education (CE) platform for healthcare professionals with free courses, paid subscriptions, and more.

Laerdal Impact Report
Laerdal reports an estimated 20,000 lives have been saved from the RQI Program in the last 3 years. View the latest report on Laerdal Medical’s efforts to save lives globally.

Customer Support
RQI Partners offers customer support to answer user questions.
Skills Improvement
RQI Save Stories
The overarching goal of RQI Partners is to save lives from sudden cardiac arrest through high-quality CPR. Hear stories of how real-life RQI users applied their skills to save lives.
RQI Save Story: Roel Tiberio, GBMC Healthcare
Roel Tiberio, a nurse manager at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (part of GBMC Healthcare), shares his experience of helping to save the life of a man in sudden cardiac arrest.
RQI Save Story: Laura Holden
RQI education helped Laura Holden, a Nurse Practitioner with the Connector Service at Primary Children’s Hospital Intermountain Healthcare, leap into action to sustain the life of her aunt until she was able to get the medical attention needed at a hospital.
RQI Save Story: Matt Wanex
Matt Wanex, Senior Therapist and Program Manager at the Center for Rehab Medicine at Acute Care Greater Baltimore Medical Center, was on vacation with his family when he found his father-in-law unresponsive one night. Wanex performed CPR in an attempt to revise his life.
NICU nurse uses CPR skills mastered through RQI to save an infant’s life
Mariah Snyder, BSN, RN, C-ELWB, CLE is a nurse in the NICU at CHOC Children’s at Mission Hospital. She shares her story about how the innovation that RQI brought to the hospital helped in assisting with muscle memory and calmness should a nurse enter a code situation.
Get more insights and the latest news about resuscitation science and training, featuring insights from industry leaders.
Top on-demand webinars
A Resuscitation Transformation with RQI: Featuring St. Margaret’s Health – Peru
Join us for a presentation of published research on the implementation of Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) at St. Margaret’s Health – Peru (formerly Illinois Valley Community Hospital). SMH Peru’s Nurse Educator and RQI Administrator Ashley Freitag will share details on transitioning from instructor-led training to RQI and the benefits her hospital experienced. Lorna Dudzik, Assistant Professor at the Lewis University College of Nursing, will share her published research from The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety on the efficacy of RQI at SMH Peru.
RQI hospital Camden Clark shares its Get With the Guidelines Journey
Clinical experts will review the interim guidance to treating individuals with cardiac arrest with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and maintaining resuscitation quality during a global pandemic. Lear more about the Candem Clark and its Get With the Guidelines’ Journey.
eBooks & Case Studies

OSU Wexner Case Study

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Health System Case Study
Throughout the years, healthcare organizations and providers have shared their experiences implementing and utilizing digital resuscitation training methods.
Gain insight on how organizations have switched from traditional in-person resuscitation training, how that shaped their staff culture, and how it ultimately impacted patient care.
Find our library of eBooks and case studies at the page below.
healthcare providers have already started on their journey to save lives with high-quality CPR by enrolling in RQI training programs.