About Us

About RQI Partners RQI Partners is a partnership between the American Heart Association® (AHA®) searchwp-highlight">and Laerdal Medical. Our mission is to increase survival from sudden cardiac arrest by helping position […]


[…] 5-10 mins session/quarter Cognitive Assessment Activities + Core Skills (S1-4) *Baselines skills check w/o feedback searchwp-highlight">LEARNING S1 S2 S3S4* Cognitive Assessment Activities (S1-4) searchwp-highlight">LEARNING eLearning Portion: 20-35 mins session/quarter S1 […]


[…] critical care units. The RQI programs provide a high -reliability platform searchwp-highlight">for simulation -based mastery searchwp-highlight">learning, implemented through low -dose, high -frequency quality improvement sessions that measure searchwp-highlight">and verify competence. […]

Heart Month (2023)

[…] The Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) Program The Resuscitation Quality Improvement program is a simulation-based, mastery searchwp-highlight">learning program that uses low-dose, high-frequency quarterly searchwp-highlight">learning searchwp-highlight">and skill sessions to achieve


[…] journey, empowers learners to be confident searchwp-highlight">and competent to perform high-quality CPR. RQI’s evidence-based, true-adaptive searchwp-highlight">learning program well integrates within nursing searchwp-highlight">and allied health curriculums fostering clinical  decision-making [...]


[…] which eliminates turnover training costs by allowing you to reuse seats searchwp-highlight">for staff replacement. The searchwp-highlight">latest education science is clear: low-dose, high-frequency practice is the only proven way to prevent […]

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