As a nursing professional, I have been caring for patients for more than 30 years. There have been countless times when I have shared words of support, encouragement and comfort, held a hand or just sat quietly next to a patient’s bed.
And I have been in situations where I had to deliver lifesaving care to a patient. My actions and interactions over this 30+-year span may have been small or significant, but they made a difference in the lives of my patients.
In April 2017, I became a patient. And yes, nurses did what they do every day—provided the best and highest quality of care to bring me through a frightening event. It is because of them I am here today to share my story.
In recognition of Nurses Week 2019, I celebrate this great profession, my life’s calling, and salute the many men and women across this country who join me each and every day in making a difference in patients’ lives.