Improving CPR Statistics by Enhancing CPR searchwp-highlight”>and AED Proficiency

[…] training searchwp-highlight">on their own or as a group. To raise awareness about the importance of searchwp-highlight">learning these lifesaving skills, the AHA created resources searchwp-highlight">for 2024, including printable

Resuscitation science, technology searchwp-highlight”>and emergency dispatch services leaders commit to help double out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival by 2028

[…] CPR. RQI-T is a blended educational searchwp-highlight">and resuscitation quality improvement program that provides simulation-based mastery searchwp-highlight">learning searchwp-highlight">and education, which is implemented through telephone CPR sessions in 45 minutes every 90 […]

What to Know About Drowning Resuscitation

[…] regular CPR certification searchwp-highlight">and recertification courses to ensure all healthcare providers are proficient in the searchwp-highlight">latest resuscitation techniques. Simulation-based training can also be effective in preparing staff

searchwp-highlight”>It takes a system: Thinking holistically about improving OHCA outcomes

[…] auto fatalities or gun violence Yet OHCA garners no headlines. No public outrage. No push searchwp-highlight">for funding to end this unnecessary loss of life. Why? In theory, because searchwp-highlight">it’s a […]

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