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A collaboration between RQI, An American heart association and Laedral program and Resuscitation Academy

Every Community Has the Possibility to Save More Lives from Cardiac Arrest

Survival from sudden cardiac arrest is tragically and unacceptably low.

There are significant disparities in cardiac arrest outcomes in communities across the nation. Utstein (witnessed cardiac arrest) survival ranges from 5.6% to 71.4 % – a 12-fold difference.

Cardiac Arrest Survival Calculator

Enter your community’s population to calculate the potential to save more lives.

Programs that improve early CPR and the quality of resuscitations may double and triple the potential for survival.


For Every 1% Improvement in Survival


About the Cardiac Arrest Survival Calculator

Why use the calculator?
Communities may commit to improving survival from cardiac arrest when they understand the potential implications of a focused improvement effort.  Leaders are more likely to align with a quality improvement initiative when they understand the return on investment.
What does the calculator measure?
The calculator measures life years saved for every 1% improvement in cardiac arrest survival.  It also calculates the estimated value of the restored life years.
How may the calculations be used?
The calculator is meant start a conversation about possibility.  Opening a dialog about the possibility to save more lives may compel others to support an improvement journey.