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Why Do You “Wear Red?”


American Heart Month is dedicated to raising heart health awareness and educating Americans on critical steps to help eliminate cardiovascular disease. Each year, the American Heart Association® designates the first Friday of February as National Wear Red Day® and encourages people from coast to coast to sport red attire and rally around a common goal: saving more women’s lives!

This #WearRedDay, our RQI Partners’ team members were asked who they wear red for and why. Below, learn why they don red today, and every day!

Chase Aldrich

Chase Aldrich


“I wear red to support all the women in my family who have struggled with cardiovascular disease.”

Torri Armitage


“I wear red for the future of my children, to ensure they grow up fully informed and equipped to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Torri Armitage

Kerry Barker

Kerry Barker


“I wear red in memory of my cousin, in support of continued research, and in hopes of a healthier future for my daughters.”

Matthew Bates


“I wear red as a reminder of compassion and warmth and love, so that I can help provide a better outlook on life.”

Matthew Bates

Amber Battles

Amber Battles


“I go red for my mother who has ventricular tachycardia and for myself, as I had Kawasaki’s disease as a baby, which is a disease that attacks the heart. So, I go red to show my gratitude for all of the researchers and physicians who are making great strides in providing cures for heart disease.”

Mindy Beebe


“Join us in our mission to save more lives from sudden cardiac arrest – we need all the “red” we can get!”

Mindy Beebe

Barbara Boyd

Barbara Boyd

North Carolina

“I ‘Go Red’ because I care. I ‘Go Red’ because my health is important. I ‘Go Red’ because heart health affects us all. I ‘Go Red’ because when I am healthy, I am a better person.”

Kaylee Boyle


“As women, we are often focused on caring for those around us, but it’s incredibly important to advocate for our own personal wellness. I’m a supporter of National Wear Red Day and empowering women to take control of their heart health. Early intervention, education, and awareness can save lives!”

Kaylee Boyle

Stephanie Brown

Stephanie Brown


“Wearing red symbolizes my embrace of living a heart-healthy lifestyle. And encouraging my family, loved ones and friends to do the same.”

Ed Brunins


“I go “Red” so that we can work together to eliminate the impact of cardiac arrest.”

Ed Brunins

Dale Bulman

Dale Bulman


“In 2024, I experienced a health challenge that led to important lifestyle changes, including modification of my diet, starting blood pressure medication, and focusing on stress management and my reactions to stress. While these adjustments can be difficult, they are vital steps toward better health and well-being, and I made an all-in commitment to these changes!”

Carrie Burns


“Today and every day, I wear red in honor of my family. My father experienced a heart attack in 2023. We recognize the importance of heart health, and we are so thankful he is still with us today!”

Carrie Burns

Sam Calderon

Sam Calderon

New York

“I wear red to bring awareness to heart month, heart health, and the effects of cardiovascular disease. I wear red to be part of this amazing community hoping to make an impact by helping save more lives.”

Victoria Carrasquillo

New York

“I wear red to help raise awareness about heart disease and the importance of heart health—something that’s at the core of what we do at RQI Partners. Wearing red encourages others and allows me to stand by the customers of our program in their everyday fight to save lives.”

Victoria Carrasquillo

Choi DooSu

DooSu Choi

New York

“Since COVID, I choose to actively be more health conscious. As I take my health more seriously, I also work to raise heart health awareness and sharing that awareness with those around me.”

Sandi Ciotti

New York

“I wear red to remind women, including myself, to prioritize self-care and raise awareness about the importance of heart health. It’s a reminder to listen to our hearts, and to not ignore the potential signs of a heart attack or stroke.”

Sandi Ciotti

Brittany Coburn

Brittany Coburn


“I wear red because my life depends on it! As women we pour everything into others and often forget about our own needs. Self-care and being more health conscious are my goals for 2025! If my overall health is intact, it will trickle down to all of those around me.”

Aly Condon


“I wear red to bring awareness to women about heart health and the importance of taking preventative measures to keep your heart healthy.”

Aly Condon

Tami Davenport

Tami Davenport


“I guess you could say, ‘I was born to Go Red’ because I go red for my older sister – Stacey Lyn – who passed away at 12 days old due to an undetectable, underdeveloped heart. Then my parents gave me the honor of being named after her – Tami Lyn – so I carry a piece of her with me always. One of my favorite parts of my job is knowing that I am contributing to the work of the American Heart Association, RQI Partners, and Laerdal, to ensure that fewer families suffer the same loss as mine. That is why I have been a part of this life saving work for more than 20 years and why I GO RED!”

Nicole Drost

New York

“My family goes red for Heart Month to honor my Mother-in-Law, who battled atrial fibrillation and experienced a series of mini strokes. Her story reminds us of the critical importance of heart health and the lifesaving work we do every day to support families like ours.”

Nicole Drost

Heather Enriquez

Heather Enriquez


“I wear red to raise awareness and inspire action to fight the number one killer of women.”

Anna Evans

New York

“I wear red because I am proud to be part of the solution.”

Anna Evans

Jeannette Fasolino

Jeannette Fasolino

New York

“I wear red in remembrance of our fellow women we’ve lost and a reminder to take care of our health.”

Alison Fehr

New York

“I go red because I want to be around as long as possible for my kids and want to raise awareness so that women everywhere make their health a priority as we work together to take a stand against cardiovascular disease and stroke.”

Alison Fehr

Betsy Flynn

Betsy Flynn


“I wear red to raise awareness about heart health and encourage others to take action against cardiovascular disease. It’s my way of supporting the fight to keep hearts healthy.”

Jamie Friar


“I’ll go red to help bring awareness to recognizing early warning signs for either a heart attack or stroke. Getting treatment early for the number one killer of women, can help save more women’s lives.”

Jamie Friar

Christy Futrell

Christy Futrell


“I wear red in memory of my sister-in-law, who tragically passed away from sudden cardiac arrest. This loss deeply impacted her children, my niece and nephew, who were left without their mother. While they are now adults, I often reflect on the milestones and moments they’ve experienced without her presence. My participation in Go Red for Women is dedicated to her memory and to raising awareness of heart disease in women.”

Lauren Gaumer


“I go red for my family.”

Lauren Gaumer

Fran Graff

Fran Graff


“I wear red in support of all women and in memory of loved ones lost to cardiovascular disease.”

Crystal Grant

South Carolina

“A friend has two sons who both were born with CHD, Congenital Heart Disorder. One of her sons, who is currently 8 years old, has undergone four open heart surgeries to date, with the first surgery occurring at just a few months old. He is currently being monitored again to see if he will have to undergo yet another surgery sooner rather than later. I wear red to support Tanner and his remarkable courage, strength, and resilience.”

Crystal Grant

Kristy Haschke

Kristy Haschke


“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States and can occur at any age. As women we should strive to support our mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. Let us all be seen and heard to raise awareness of our biggest health risk.”

Ryan Hunt


“I wear red for heart health awareness and education, protecting our most valued possession: time with loved ones.”

Ryan Hunt

Emily Imperiale

Emily Imperiale


“I “Go Red” to raise awareness and show support for those affected by cardiac challenges, especially my children’s friends who have benefitted from critical cardiac care and surgery. It’s a way to honor their strength and resilience, especially at young ages.”

Jesse Inoncillo

New York

“I wear red to raise awareness about cardiac health, especially to my close friends and family.”

Jesse Inoncillo

Amy Jackson

Amy Jackson


“I go red to bring awareness that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women and to help change that statistic.”

Kiara Johnson

New York

“I wear red to make an impact on lives throughout the world. I support a family member and friend with heart conditions to ensure they are not alone in their journey fighting their conditions.”

Kiara Johnson

Brandi Johnston

Brandi Johnston


“I wear red in support of the American Heart Association to raise awareness about heart health and show my commitment to fighting heart disease.”

Jennifer Joseph


““I wear red because it’s a reminder to live boldly: just like the color, life is too short to fade into the background.”

Jennifer Joseph

Erin Keely

Erin Keely


“I wear red in support of my good friend’s daughter, Yvonne, who is five years old. She was born with a rare heart condition that has resulted in four open heart surgeries by the time she was four years old. Due to the advance medicine and research, I am grateful to say that she is thriving and is not expected to have another surgery until she is a teenager.”

Tim Kernan

New Jersey

“Red for the heart, to stand and be strong; For healthy choices, we all must belong. A reminder to care, to live and to thrive; For our hearts’ well-being, we strive and drive.”

Tim Kernan

MJ Lewis

MJ Lewis


“I wear red in remembrance of my mother, who was a recipient of lifesaving CPR.”

Karen Linder

South Carolina

“My passion as a nurse is to help people heal and to save lives. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of all genders and races. It is also the leading cause of death in the United States. I wear red because I want to help save more lives from cardiac arrest.”

Karen Linder

Christina Maggio

Christina Maggio

New York

“I go red for my mom. She died of sudden cardiac arrest seventeen years ago.”

Kenneth Manning

New York

“I wear red to support heart awareness because it symbolizes the importance of taking care of our cardiovascular health. Red is a powerful color that represents strength and vitality, and by wearing it, I am raising awareness about heart disease, encouraging healthy habits, and supporting efforts to reduce risks related to heart conditions. It serves as a reminder that heart health is crucial for everyone, and we all have a role in preventing heart disease.”

Kenneth Manning

Jessica Manton

Jessica Manton


“I am wearing red because I want women to have the same survival odds as men when experiencing cardiac arrest. Women are less likely to receive CPR from bystanders when they need it and it’s time to close the gap, so everyone has equal changes of survival.”

Lisa Mathis

New York

“I ‘Go Red’ every day because my commitment to reducing deaths from cardiac disease drives how I support our customers in getting the most value from RQI programs.”

Lisa Mathis

Mike McAllister

Mike McAllister


“I’m wearing red to shine a light on cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death for women. Women are the heartbeat of our world, and by raising awareness, we can help save lives and bring even more love, strength, and beauty into our lives. Together, we can make a difference!”

Ashton McPartland


“My ‘why’ is my daughter, Maeve, and all patients and families of those affected by pediatric congenital disorders.”

Ashton McPartland

Judy Miller

Judy Miller


“I wear red to show my support for those who are affected by heart disease – we are together in our search for cures. I am also committed to ensuring that I will be able to perform high-quality CPR that quarterly practice creates, if I am ever called upon within my community to do so.”

Candace Murphy


“I was diagnosed with familial hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and have been on medication since I was 16! Routine doctor’s appointments and heart health checks are essential, as if untreated can lead to early heart attacks.”

Candace Murphy

Gareth Patrickson

Gareth Patrickson


“I wear red to support all the amazing volunteers, employees, and contributors to the American Heart Association and its broad network of partners. I am one small part of the bold mission – to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.”

Ashli Phillips


“I wear RED to spread awareness for all women across the globe, to be an advocate for their heart health and focus on healthy habits. I also wear red to honor my female family members who have been impacted by heart disease and cardiac arrest.”

Ashli Phillips

Travis Pittman

Travis Pittman


“I wear red to advocate for and support women’s heart health. By wearing red, I aim to spark conversations and inspire others to prioritize heart-healthy choices.”

Mike Plajer


“My mom died in 2017 due to complications of cardiac arrest. I wear red to honor her as well as those that have gone through the same thing. I also wear red because I truly believe in RQIP’s vision which is that nobody should die from cardiac arrest.”

Mike Plajer

Joan Quinn

Joan Quinn

New York

“I wear red in memory of my mom.”

René Ramón


“I wear red to support the mission of the American Heart Association. None of us are free from the impacts of heart disease and stroke – we all have loved ones in our lives who have been impacted. Wearing red gives us an opportunity to share the American Heart Association’s mission and lifesaving resources with others.”

René Ramón

Julie Raymond-DeCarlo

Julie Raymond-DeCarlo


“I wear red because my family has a history of heart issues, and we are SO very grateful for all involved in the mission of saving more lives from cardiac arrest.”

Ben Rhudy


“I wear red to make a positive impact on the lives of my local and global community every day, and to improve the quality of life for everyone I can, through our solutions, but also how I interact with others.”

Ben Rhudy

Kristen Richardson

Kristen Richardson


“I wear red because I not only care about my own health but also all the women in my life. We are always first to take care of those around us and often fail to give the same care and love to ourselves. It’s time we give back to ourselves!”

Sybel Santiago


“I wear red to raise awareness about the importance of heart health. Your heart is not just a vital organ; it’s a symbol of life and purpose. As long as your heart beats, you have a unique role to fulfill in this world.”

Sybel Santiago

Heather Seitz

Heather Seitz


“I wear red to help bring awareness to others of the importance of heart health and wellness no matter of age. Having close family members and friends who have experienced heart health challenges, brings even a heightened importance!”

Maeve Shaughnessy


“I wear red to remember the women who have gone before us, and to recognize the women who are with us today who battle heart disease. Through research, advocacy, and education, we strive to improve the quality of life and chances of survival for heart attacks, stroke, and cardiac arrest for the future generations of women.”

Maeve Shaughnessy

Kyle Slaymaker

Kyle Slaymaker


“Wearing red symbolizes my commitment to advocating for heart health and supporting the lifesaving work of organizations like the American Heart Association. It’s a bold and visible statement to remind everyone of the importance of taking care of their hearts.”

Wendy Stock


“I wear red to raise awareness about the leading cause of death among women—heart disease—and to inspire others to take charge of their heart health. I wear red to honor women everywhere, advocating for research, education, and prevention specific to women.”

Wendy Stock

Ramsey Toban

Ramsey Toban


“I wear read because it represents heart health and awareness, a core mission of the American Heart Association and RQI Partners. It’s a powerful symbol of advocacy for cardiovascular health and a reminder to take action in the fight against heart disease.”

Victoria Valente

New York

“I wear red in memory of my grandfather. My family was able to recognize the signs of a stroke and quickly brought him to medical professionals. He ended up receiving quadruple bypass surgery that allowed him to be around for most of my childhood.”

Victoria Valente

Carrie Ward

Carrie Ward


“I wear red because my family has a history of heart disease. After my own heart attack last year, I made a commitment to raise awareness and help save more lives.”

Nicole Watkins


“I wear red for National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart disease and its impact on countless lives, including those of women, who are often underrepresented in heart health advocacy. By wearing red, I honor the importance of prevention, education, and research that can save lives and inspire healthier communities. It’s a small yet powerful way to show support and encourage others to prioritize their heart health.”

Nicole Watkins

Amalee Yang

Amalee Yang


“I wear red for my cousin, Jane. She was an amazing person who was taken too soon from a genetic cardiovascular disease.”

Human Resources Team

New York

“Our Human Resources team goes red to raise awareness for women’s heart health. As women, we want our voices to be heard to make an impact for women across the US and around the globe.”

Human Resources Team

Chase Smith

Chase Smith

For over 20 years, I served as an Aeromedical Evacuation Technician in the Air Force, providing critical care and transporting patients across Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Europe. My experience reinforced one key lesson: effective training saves lives.  Taking care of our service members was the highlight of my service.
My servant mindset led me to join RQI Partners, an organization focused on revolutionizing global resuscitation education. I’ve seen how training can make the difference between life and death, and I’m excited to be part of an effort to bring life-saving skills to people around the world.

Polaroid Photo

Chase Aldrich


“In 2024, I experienced a health challenge that led to important lifestyle changes, including modification of my diet, starting blood pressure medication, and focusing on stress management and my reactions to stress. While these adjustments can be difficult, they are vital steps toward better health and well-being, and I made an all-in commitment to these changes!”

Chase Aldrich


“I wear red to support all the women in my family who have struggled with cardiovascular disease.”

Polaroid Photo


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Why Do You “Wear Red?"

Why Do You “Wear Red?"

American Heart Month is dedicated to raising heart health awareness and educating Americans on critical steps to help eliminate cardiovascular disease. Each year, the American Heart Association® designates the first Friday of February as National Wear Red Day® and encourages people from coast to coast to sport red attire and rally around a common goal: saving more women’s lives!

This #WearRedDay, our RQI Partners’ team members were asked who they wear red for and why. Below, learn why they don red today, and every day!

Chase Aldrich

Chase Aldrich


“I wear red to support all the women in my family who have struggled with cardiovascular disease.”

Torri Armitage


“I wear red for the future of my children, to ensure they grow up fully informed and equipped to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Torri Armitage

Kerry Barker

Kerry Barker


“I wear red in memory of my cousin, in support of continued research, and in hopes of a healthier future for my daughters.”

Matthew Bates


“I wear red as a reminder of compassion and warmth and love, so that I can help provide a better outlook on life.”

Matthew Bates

Amber Battles

Amber Battles


“I go red for my mother who has ventricular tachycardia and for myself, as I had Kawasaki’s disease as a baby, which is a disease that attacks the heart. So, I go red to show my gratitude for all of the researchers and physicians who are making great strides in providing cures for heart disease.”

Mindy Beebe


“Join us in our mission to save more lives from sudden cardiac arrest – we need all the “red” we can get!”

Mindy Beebe

Barbara Boyd

Barbara Boyd

North Carolina

“I ‘Go Red’ because I care. I ‘Go Red’ because my health is important. I ‘Go Red’ because heart health affects us all. I ‘Go Red’ because when I am healthy, I am a better person.”

Kaylee Boyle


“As women, we are often focused on caring for those around us, but it’s incredibly important to advocate for our own personal wellness. I’m a supporter of National Wear Red Day and empowering women to take control of their heart health. Early intervention, education, and awareness can save lives!”

Kaylee Boyle

Stephanie Brown

Stephanie Brown


“Wearing red symbolizes my embrace of living a heart-healthy lifestyle. And encouraging my family, loved ones and friends to do the same.”

Ed Brunins


“I go “Red” so that we can work together to eliminate the impact of cardiac arrest.”

Ed Brunins

Dale Bulman

Dale Bulman


“In 2024, I experienced a health challenge that led to important lifestyle changes, including modification of my diet, starting blood pressure medication, and focusing on stress management and my reactions to stress. While these adjustments can be difficult, they are vital steps toward better health and well-being, and I made an all-in commitment to these changes!”

Carrie Burns


“Today and every day, I wear red in honor of my family. My father experienced a heart attack in 2023. We recognize the importance of heart health, and we are so thankful he is still with us today!”

Carrie Burns

Sam Calderon

Sam Calderon

New York

“I wear red to bring awareness to heart month, heart health, and the effects of cardiovascular disease. I wear red to be part of this amazing community hoping to make an impact by helping save more lives.”

Victoria Carrasquillo

New York

“I wear red to help raise awareness about heart disease and the importance of heart health—something that’s at the core of what we do at RQI Partners. Wearing red encourages others and allows me to stand by the customers of our program in their everyday fight to save lives.”

Victoria Carrasquillo

Choi DooSu

DooSu Choi

New York

“Since COVID, I choose to actively be more health conscious. As I take my health more seriously, I also work to raise heart health awareness and sharing that awareness with those around me.”

Sandi Ciotti

New York

“I wear red to remind women, including myself, to prioritize self-care and raise awareness about the importance of heart health. It’s a reminder to listen to our hearts, and to not ignore the potential signs of a heart attack or stroke.”

Sandi Ciotti

Brittany Coburn

Brittany Coburn


“I wear red because my life depends on it! As women we pour everything into others and often forget about our own needs. Self-care and being more health conscious are my goals for 2025! If my overall health is intact, it will trickle down to all of those around me.”

Aly Condon


“I wear red to bring awareness to women about heart health and the importance of taking preventative measures to keep your heart healthy.”

Aly Condon

Tami Davenport

Tami Davenport


“I guess you could say, ‘I was born to Go Red’ because I go red for my older sister – Stacey Lyn - who passed away at 12 days old due to an undetectable, underdeveloped heart. Then my parents gave me the honor of being named after her – Tami Lyn - so I carry a piece of her with me always. One of my favorite parts of my job is knowing that I am contributing to the work of the American Heart Association, RQI Partners, and Laerdal, to ensure that fewer families suffer the same loss as mine. That is why I have been a part of this life saving work for more than 20 years and why I GO RED!”

Nicole Drost

New York

“My family goes red for Heart Month to honor my Mother-in-Law, who battled atrial fibrillation and experienced a series of mini strokes. Her story reminds us of the critical importance of heart health and the lifesaving work we do every day to support families like ours.”

Nicole Drost

Heather Enriquez

Heather Enriquez


“I wear red to raise awareness and inspire action to fight the number one killer of women.”

Anna Evans

New York

“I wear red because I am proud to be part of the solution.”

Anna Evans

Jeannette Fasolino

Jeannette Fasolino

New York

“I wear red in remembrance of our fellow women we've lost and a reminder to take care of our health.”

Alison Fehr

New York

“I go red because I want to be around as long as possible for my kids and want to raise awareness so that women everywhere make their health a priority as we work together to take a stand against cardiovascular disease and stroke.”

Alison Fehr

Betsy Flynn

Betsy Flynn


“I wear red to raise awareness about heart health and encourage others to take action against cardiovascular disease. It's my way of supporting the fight to keep hearts healthy.”

Jamie Friar


“I’ll go red to help bring awareness to recognizing early warning signs for either a heart attack or stroke. Getting treatment early for the number one killer of women, can help save more women’s lives.”

Jamie Friar

Christy Futrell

Christy Futrell


“I wear red in memory of my sister-in-law, who tragically passed away from sudden cardiac arrest. This loss deeply impacted her children, my niece and nephew, who were left without their mother. While they are now adults, I often reflect on the milestones and moments they've experienced without her presence. My participation in Go Red for Women is dedicated to her memory and to raising awareness of heart disease in women.”

Lauren Gaumer


“I go red for my family.”

Lauren Gaumer

Fran Graff

Fran Graff


“I wear red in support of all women and in memory of loved ones lost to cardiovascular disease.”

Crystal Grant

South Carolina

“A friend has two sons who both were born with CHD, Congenital Heart Disorder. One of her sons, who is currently 8 years old, has undergone four open heart surgeries to date, with the first surgery occurring at just a few months old. He is currently being monitored again to see if he will have to undergo yet another surgery sooner rather than later. I wear red to support Tanner and his remarkable courage, strength, and resilience.”

Crystal Grant

Kristy Haschke

Kristy Haschke


“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States and can occur at any age. As women we should strive to support our mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. Let us all be seen and heard to raise awareness of our biggest health risk.”

Ryan Hunt


“I wear red for heart health awareness and education, protecting our most valued possession: time with loved ones.”

Ryan Hunt

Emily Imperiale

Emily Imperiale


“I “Go Red” to raise awareness and show support for those affected by cardiac challenges, especially my children's friends who have benefitted from critical cardiac care and surgery. It’s a way to honor their strength and resilience, especially at young ages.”

Jesse Inoncillo

New York

“I wear red to raise awareness about cardiac health, especially to my close friends and family.”

Jesse Inoncillo

Amy Jackson

Amy Jackson


“I go red to bring awareness that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women and to help change that statistic.”

Kiara Johnson

New York

“I wear red to make an impact on lives throughout the world. I support a family member and friend with heart conditions to ensure they are not alone in their journey fighting their conditions.”

Kiara Johnson

Brandi Johnston

Brandi Johnston


“I wear red in support of the American Heart Association to raise awareness about heart health and show my commitment to fighting heart disease.”

Jennifer Joseph


““I wear red because it's a reminder to live boldly: just like the color, life is too short to fade into the background.”

Jennifer Joseph

Erin Keely

Erin Keely


“I wear red in support of my good friend's daughter, Yvonne, who is five years old. She was born with a rare heart condition that has resulted in four open heart surgeries by the time she was four years old. Due to the advance medicine and research, I am grateful to say that she is thriving and is not expected to have another surgery until she is a teenager.”

Tim Kernan

New Jersey

“Red for the heart, to stand and be strong; For healthy choices, we all must belong. A reminder to care, to live and to thrive; For our hearts' well-being, we strive and drive.”

Tim Kernan

MJ Lewis

MJ Lewis


“I wear red in remembrance of my mother, who was a recipient of lifesaving CPR.”

Karen Linder

South Carolina

“My passion as a nurse is to help people heal and to save lives. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of all genders and races. It is also the leading cause of death in the United States. I wear red because I want to help save more lives from cardiac arrest.”

Karen Linder

Christina Maggio

Christina Maggio

New York

“I go red for my mom. She died of sudden cardiac arrest seventeen years ago.”

Kenneth Manning

New York

“I wear red to support heart awareness because it symbolizes the importance of taking care of our cardiovascular health. Red is a powerful color that represents strength and vitality, and by wearing it, I am raising awareness about heart disease, encouraging healthy habits, and supporting efforts to reduce risks related to heart conditions. It serves as a reminder that heart health is crucial for everyone, and we all have a role in preventing heart disease.”

Kenneth Manning

Jessica Manton

Jessica Manton


“I am wearing red because I want women to have the same survival odds as men when experiencing cardiac arrest. Women are less likely to receive CPR from bystanders when they need it and it's time to close the gap, so everyone has equal changes of survival.”

Lisa Mathis

New York

“I ‘Go Red’ every day because my commitment to reducing deaths from cardiac disease drives how I support our customers in getting the most value from RQI programs.”

Lisa Mathis

Mike McAllister

Mike McAllister


“I’m wearing red to shine a light on cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death for women. Women are the heartbeat of our world, and by raising awareness, we can help save lives and bring even more love, strength, and beauty into our lives. Together, we can make a difference!”

Ashton McPartland


“My ‘why’ is my daughter, Maeve, and all patients and families of those affected by pediatric congenital disorders.”

Ashton McPartland

Judy Miller

Judy Miller


“I wear red to show my support for those who are affected by heart disease – we are together in our search for cures. I am also committed to ensuring that I will be able to perform high-quality CPR that quarterly practice creates, if I am ever called upon within my community to do so.”

Candace Murphy


“I was diagnosed with familial hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and have been on medication since I was 16! Routine doctor's appointments and heart health checks are essential, as if untreated can lead to early heart attacks.”

Candace Murphy

Gareth Patrickson

Gareth Patrickson


“I wear red to support all the amazing volunteers, employees, and contributors to the American Heart Association and its broad network of partners. I am one small part of the bold mission – to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.”

Ashli Phillips


“I wear RED to spread awareness for all women across the globe, to be an advocate for their heart health and focus on healthy habits. I also wear red to honor my female family members who have been impacted by heart disease and cardiac arrest.”

Ashli Phillips

Travis Pittman

Travis Pittman


“I wear red to advocate for and support women's heart health. By wearing red, I aim to spark conversations and inspire others to prioritize heart-healthy choices.”

Mike Plajer


“My mom died in 2017 due to complications of cardiac arrest. I wear red to honor her as well as those that have gone through the same thing. I also wear red because I truly believe in RQIP’s vision which is that nobody should die from cardiac arrest.”

Mike Plajer

Joan Quinn

Joan Quinn

New York

“I wear red in memory of my mom.”

René Ramón


“I wear red to support the mission of the American Heart Association. None of us are free from the impacts of heart disease and stroke - we all have loved ones in our lives who have been impacted. Wearing red gives us an opportunity to share the American Heart Association's mission and lifesaving resources with others.”

René Ramón

Julie Raymond-DeCarlo

Julie Raymond-DeCarlo


“I wear red because my family has a history of heart issues, and we are SO very grateful for all involved in the mission of saving more lives from cardiac arrest.”

Ben Rhudy


“I wear red to make a positive impact on the lives of my local and global community every day, and to improve the quality of life for everyone I can, through our solutions, but also how I interact with others.”

Ben Rhudy

Kristen Richardson

Kristen Richardson


“I wear red because I not only care about my own health but also all the women in my life. We are always first to take care of those around us and often fail to give the same care and love to ourselves. It’s time we give back to ourselves!”

Sybel Santiago


“I wear red to raise awareness about the importance of heart health. Your heart is not just a vital organ; it's a symbol of life and purpose. As long as your heart beats, you have a unique role to fulfill in this world.”

Sybel Santiago

Heather Seitz

Heather Seitz


“I wear red to help bring awareness to others of the importance of heart health and wellness no matter of age. Having close family members and friends who have experienced heart health challenges, brings even a heightened importance!”

Maeve Shaughnessy


“I wear red to remember the women who have gone before us, and to recognize the women who are with us today who battle heart disease. Through research, advocacy, and education, we strive to improve the quality of life and chances of survival for heart attacks, stroke, and cardiac arrest for the future generations of women.”

Maeve Shaughnessy

Kyle Slaymaker

Kyle Slaymaker


“Wearing red symbolizes my commitment to advocating for heart health and supporting the lifesaving work of organizations like the American Heart Association. It's a bold and visible statement to remind everyone of the importance of taking care of their hearts.”

Wendy Stock


“I wear red to raise awareness about the leading cause of death among women—heart disease—and to inspire others to take charge of their heart health. I wear red to honor women everywhere, advocating for research, education, and prevention specific to women.”

Wendy Stock

Ramsey Toban

Ramsey Toban


“I wear read because it represents heart health and awareness, a core mission of the American Heart Association and RQI Partners. It's a powerful symbol of advocacy for cardiovascular health and a reminder to take action in the fight against heart disease.”

Victoria Valente

New York

“I wear red in memory of my grandfather. My family was able to recognize the signs of a stroke and quickly brought him to medical professionals. He ended up receiving quadruple bypass surgery that allowed him to be around for most of my childhood.”

Victoria Valente

Carrie Ward

Carrie Ward


“I wear red because my family has a history of heart disease. After my own heart attack last year, I made a commitment to raise awareness and help save more lives.”

Nicole Watkins


“I wear red for National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart disease and its impact on countless lives, including those of women, who are often underrepresented in heart health advocacy. By wearing red, I honor the importance of prevention, education, and research that can save lives and inspire healthier communities. It’s a small yet powerful way to show support and encourage others to prioritize their heart health.”

Nicole Watkins

Amalee Yang

Amalee Yang


“I wear red for my cousin, Jane. She was an amazing person who was taken too soon from a genetic cardiovascular disease.”

Human Resources Team

New York

“Our Human Resources team goes red to raise awareness for women’s heart health. As women, we want our voices to be heard to make an impact for women across the US and around the globe.”

Human Resources Team

Chase Smith

Chase Smith

For over 20 years, I served as an Aeromedical Evacuation Technician in the Air Force, providing critical care and transporting patients across Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Europe. My experience reinforced one key lesson: effective training saves lives.  Taking care of our service members was the highlight of my service.
My servant mindset led me to join RQI Partners, an organization focused on revolutionizing global resuscitation education. I’ve seen how training can make the difference between life and death, and I’m excited to be part of an effort to bring life-saving skills to people around the world.

Polaroid Photo

Chase Aldrich


“In 2024, I experienced a health challenge that led to important lifestyle changes, including modification of my diet, starting blood pressure medication, and focusing on stress management and my reactions to stress. While these adjustments can be difficult, they are vital steps toward better health and well-being, and I made an all-in commitment to these changes!”

Chase Aldrich


“I wear red to support all the women in my family who have struggled with cardiovascular disease.”

Polaroid Photo

Pool steps and handrail with a sparkling blue pool in the background.Bravery in Action: A Q&A with Nurse Patricia Hendershot